Black Women’s Virtual Circle
Virtual info info
A space for freedom, healing, job, and supportFree food at every circleGift card of $100 after attending 10 circles Yearly retreatContact Co-sponsored by Alameda County [...]
Inspired by Mr. Fab's "Thug Therapy"...A mental health wellness check in…An intimate setting for women from all walks of life. Fostering a revealing and healing [...] Satisfaction Survey:If you have participated in two or more circles this year, please take the time to fill out the satisfaction survey. This feedback [...]
This is an intergeneration healing space for Mother’s with children that have been impacted by the juvenile justice system and community violence. This is a safe [...]
A new community support circle to address & heal from violence & manipulation in our relationships. For all ages & all experiences.Every Weds 6-8pmRJOY Office [...]
Thursdays 4-5pm Join the zoom by *Clicking Here*Questions:
Your are invited to an intergenerational space for creativity, connection, & care. Children & families are welcome. Painting, Collaging, Sculpture, Mixed MediaPoetry, dance, threatre, drumming, [...] info
A space for freedom, healing, job, and supportFree food at every circleGift card of $100 after attending 10 circles Yearly retreatContact Co-sponsored by Alameda County [...]