Black Women’s Virtual Circle

Virtual info

“Freedom Circle”… A space for those impacted by carceral system

Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth 1733 Broadway, Oakland, CA, United States

A space for freedom, healing, job, and supportFree food at every circleGift card of $100 after attending 10 circles Yearly retreatContact Co-sponsored by Alameda County [...]

F.L.Y Girl Circle (Finding Love within Yourself)

Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth 1733 Broadway, Oakland, CA, United States

Inspired by Mr. Fab's "Thug Therapy"...A mental health wellness check in…An intimate setting for women from all walks of life.  Fostering a revealing and healing [...]


1733 Broadway Oakland, CA, United States Satisfaction Survey:If you have participated in two or more circles this year, please take the time to fill out the satisfaction survey. This feedback [...]

Mother’s Healing Circle

1150 35th Ave Oakland, CA, United States

This is an intergeneration healing space for Mother’s with children that have been impacted by the juvenile justice system and community violence. This is a safe [...]

Sisters Rise Circle (DVP, IVP,+)

Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth 1733 Broadway, Oakland, CA, United States

A new community support circle to address & heal from violence & manipulation in our relationships. For all ages & all experiences.Every Weds 6-8pmRJOY Office [...]

Black Boyz Virtual Circle

Thursdays 4-5pm Join the zoom by *Clicking Here*Questions:

Restorative Art & Healing Circle (RAH)

Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth 1733 Broadway, Oakland, CA, United States

Your are invited to an intergenerational space for creativity, connection, & care.  Children & families are welcome.  Painting, Collaging, Sculpture, Mixed MediaPoetry, dance, threatre, drumming, [...]

Black Women’s Virtual Circle

Virtual info

“Freedom Circle”… A space for those impacted by carceral system

Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth 1733 Broadway, Oakland, CA, United States

A space for freedom, healing, job, and supportFree food at every circleGift card of $100 after attending 10 circles Yearly retreatContact Co-sponsored by Alameda County [...]

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