“Coming to the Table” joined RJOY!
The Little Book of Racial Healing, by Thomas Dewolf and Jodie Geddes, tells the story of “Coming To The Table (CTTT).” In short, Susan Hutchison, a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson died February 2017. Her friends and family gathered in her honor. Susan was well aware of the history of her family with slavery. In 2003, she attended a gathering of the descendants of her family’s patriarch, President Thomas Jefferson and his wife, Martha. Also at the event were the descendants of Jefferson and Sally Hemings, a woman he enslaved. The attendees built relationships that grew. They sought more contact. They wanted to know each other and others who are descendants of slave owners and the enslaved people they owned. These are the roots of “Coming To The Table.” The approach for CTTT work comes from Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience, the Stars Program. For more information, visit the official “Coming To The Table” website at https://comingtothetable.org/.